Because what else is there to do when 2 guys love blogs?...at the same time?

[!ima turtle]'s jukebox

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Things that piss me off

By Anonymous
1. Music bandwagon jumpers (So-and-so band is hot right now, lets listen to them. FOLLOW TEH RADIO!
2. Two-faced people
3. Hypocrites
4. People that don't make turtles for me
5. Disney pop stars
6. Teacher rants
7. Boring monotone teachers

Will post more as it comes. maybe a weekly thing?

COMEBACK! (but not really)

By Anonymous
so with these last few days of summer slippin' away, the turtle kid and I have decided to finally come back and update this lil thing. We'll be reflecting on our summers, and commenting on school, which looms ever closer upon us.
Firstly, main reason for us disappearing off this blog is because we're too damn busy. And by busy, I mean lazy. NEXT!

Summer'09 was a great little fling.


-saw some SIIICK bands
-heard some RAAAD music
-did some CRAAAZY stuff
-made some SCHWEEET memories
-Alex flicks nipples
-Everything is better with two pumps of strawberry
-Alex can't crowdsurf
-there's a party in vancouver, all night long
-racist jokes that're a bit too racy for my morality to type down here
-personally, I got a pick from CASH CASH, chyeaa. can't use it cuz the logo is already wearing off though
-Fred blew all of his birthday moolah on shirts

[/gg] has:
  1. taken various life guarding courses. 20 bucks an hour, HERE I COME
  2. completed 2 covers of songs, complete with singing. links below.
  3. well shit. that's it? what a lame ass summer.


so now, I guess it's back to school for all of us. we're big, bad, grade 10's this year, smack dab in the middle. we ain't LG's but we ain't all that mature either. muahahaha. Shit load of people are disappearing on us, like 15 so hopefully we get some new classmates to fill in the gaps. I really don't know what else to say so I'll talk again whenever the fuck i decide to write more.
CHAO OUTSIDE MUDAFUCKAS (shit wait, that's peter chao's line. I need my own)


Well, well, well... [/gg] has pretty much covered HIS side of the summer, so I guess i'll tell you a little about my own....(reminisces)

[!ima turtle] has:
1. been busy. And when I mean busy, I mean busy.
2. been going out with a kickass group of people for pretty much the WHOLE summer, and I wouldn't trade it for the world :)
3. recorded some songs of my own (with a little from eleventhvolume.blogspot.com ), cause' [/gg] isn' t the only damn musician in this blog!
Linkz below if y'all interested ;D
4. done more than [/gg] will EVER do in his whole life :D (I, [/gg], resent that statement)


Well, school is ninja-ing its way around the corner, and will strike in the night in about
a week or so, and it will throw deadly shurikens of homework and such from its arsenal
of ninja weapwns. No, that was not a spelling error, but rather an easier view on the severity.
Remember, don't fuck with ninjas. nuff' said. Anyways, like I said, school is nearing, and we haven't grown mature for shit since last time, but HOPEFULLY, we MANAGE to survive :P
I don't care what you say, I'm optimistic as hell BD. Summer was good while it lasted, but now I HAVE to kick shit into high gear and focus again -.-'. Gewd times, and I hope for even greater times within the year to come.
Seacrest. Out. (I'll think of more original lines later)



By [!ima turtle]
[Damn, it's been a good lengthy time since last update, yeah?
Not much has really happened I suppose, just lots of mishaps and good times XD
But you wonder why we update now? Why all of a sudden out of the cloudy and blue, now?
Well, me and [/gg] created this blog as a means to do something in the meantime, but if we never use the blog, then what the hell happens to it?
So, partially, this update is to keep the 2guys1blog franchise up and running, because we'd never want this piece-o'-shyyit to just suddenly stop. I think :S

The other part we are having this update is to actually update this time, instead of giving you bullshirt like the other posts had.] - [!imaturtle]

(bullshirt? that's new. Anyway, new song up on the jukebox-player-thingy. I guess life has been un-amazing as of late, but not in the way that I don't like it. I enjoy life. :P It's just that nothing blog worthy has popped up in a while. Still hasn't, we're just updating for the hell of it.


[Woah, wait, we're really not going to update about anything?] - [!ima turtle]

(Do i LOOK unlazy and determined? that's what I thought. Besides what're we supposed to update about? Video game nerds with godly combos and silly screens that make you feel like a loser (i meant COUGHwinnerCOUGH)? ) - [/gg]

[Woah, just because our post title is referring to SOME of the events that took place between our last post and current post, doesn't mean that's all we're going to update about! Hello, hello, anybody home? THINK [/GG], THINK! Oh, and we also have our epic spirit week and the dumbasses with guns, and I'm sure you will go into detail on that, right?]-[!ima turtle]

(I could. but so could you. I don't even remember a lot of it.
Spirit Week: 5 days (actually 4) where we pretend to love Carney and dress up in fancy clothes (or lack-there-of) to show our spirit. somehow. How does that work again? who cares.
So day 3, was dress like a movie/tv/video game character day. Me, turtleboy over here, and our friend were the mythbusters. I was the only "racially correct" one. IMAHARA.
3 people decided to dress as deranged teenagers on a shooting spree. really.
In short, police were called, school was locked down, and the swat was there too. really. Actually, supposedly. But the police were definitely there.) - [/gg]

[See, now was that so hard?
It's funny , because I think we actually saw the guys with the guns during lunch, and it didn't even occur to me how people could've misinterpereted 3 teenagers with guns showing their spirit for a catholic school in the worst way possible.
We still could've had better costumes though, either between 1.21 gigawatts or daniel san, mythbusters just seemed too creative for me :S] - [!ima turtle]

(yeah man, we saw them outside while doing my science project. trippy eh?
Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi for SURE next year.) - [/gg]

Well, that was nice lengthy update for once. Nice to catch up with our lives sometime. But that's it for now. really, we're too lazy for anything else


EDIT: there were snipers. supposedly.

oh snapz!

By Anonymous
HAH long time no update. why? because.
nooo reaaallly... cuz we were lazy. serious. also, nothing's really happened in our lives lately, so there's nothing to write about. but mostly laziness.

anyway to bring you up to speed... i quit. 40 days is too much, and I'M WEAK

also, recently, me and [!imaturtle] recently went to thinkfast aka the 30 hour famine.
not as bad as you'd think. in fact, total opposite. very fun.
so much stuff to do that I totally forgot I was hungry.
some highlights:
-*pulls out sticky note* "JESSICA ALBA WAS IN MY PANTS!"
-hung lo. the male stripper/sumo wrestler/crime fighter
-the earthquake proof tower. (it got hit by a ball and was still able to stand after a 7ft drop. oh, and it was made of STRAWS)
-"you never said we had to be able to move it. this was supposed to be the tallest tower, not the most movable... NOW YOU'RE JUST BEING A DICK!"
-"I'm basically blind, so if I pop off my contacts, do I still need the blindfold?"
-egyptian rat screw. im a ninja at it
-spanish movies are interesting when you watch with brandon
-"Isn't it weird? It's 4am in the morning and everyone's playing badminton"



By [!ima turtle]
Well, it's that time of year for us catholic/christians, Lent. During the 40 days of Lent, we give up something so that we grow better as a person, and not total dicks. Sometimes it works, but usually people just get pissed because there is no prize at the end, just a big theoretical smiley emoticon that says " you did it, now pat yourself on the back ".

Anyways, for some people, they sacrifice either a big piece of their life such as a habit, a hobby, a certain item, or an activity. For me, it was certain "activity" and for [/gg] it was a certain "habit". So, through these 40 days, we will TRY and record our progress through this time of sacrifice. If we actually DO manage to make it, send us some smiley emoticons plz :). But not the one I just made because I think we would deserve a shitload more, but a badass smiley is all we ask for

[ima turtle]

hah, needless to say, I failed. and it wasn't even like a couple days into it. I failed BEFORE it even started. darn straight.
anyway I gave up swearing which is really hard, actually.

Journal Entry 1
DAY 1:and so begins my incredulous journey into the wonderfabulous world of unobscenities. It is very hard. My mouth feels like it's locked up, held back. I've already almost failed numerous times (not including yesterday). We'll see how this ends up.



By [!ima turtle]
Haha, well, I suppose [/gg] has already told partially our wild night of persians and rock band XD But in that same night, I almost ruined his whole life with a couple of clicks...

It all started when [/gg] first laid his eyes on some hot triplets during some basketball game. I didn't really think they were that hot, but yenno his tastes not mine . Now, we will talk about the day before school started. [/gg] was distracted by some rock band 2, and that's when I made my move; my dick move to be exact. I slowly typed her name into the facebook search bar, savouring each moment, and I instantly found her . I found the " add friend " button, clicked that, then the confirmation button, and all hell broke loose.... No wait, I mean I laughed my ass off so hard while [/gg] was shitting bricks of embarrassment and actual shit. LOL you should've seen him go ape shit, quite the scene XD

Would you like me to punch your face?

By Anonymous
Awww, coming off a long weekend is like waking up after 2 hrs of sleep. it sucks.
especially when you really did have 2 hrs of sleep. almost.

the day before school was pretty awesome.
had some good minor 'momentz' while chillin at mah bud's house.

watch this
and if u didnt understand what the HELL that was about
watch this

this post actually had 2 alternate titles, "wah-tch!" and "woo-pah!" but i figured no one would figure out the reference.
watch this

GERONIMOMENTZ (number 0.5)
so the REAL title actually came from a msn conversation I was having with my friend, at like 10pm. I was already zoning out cuz yenno, I came off a sugar rush so i wasn't all there, if ya know what i mean. that's when the doof comes in and types some obscenities into the conversation, slightly traumatizing the person I was talking to. as compensation, I figured I should punch him back, but being the zoned-out guy I was, I accidentally typed in "would you like me to punch you?"

... so that wasnt actually half as funny as I thought it would end up sounding like. probably one of those "you had to be there" momentz.
watch this (just skip to like 2:45)

for the record, everything in this post came from when I was at my friend's house, and this was supposed to be posted 2 days ago, but I was lazy. figures.
oh, and I call people's "doof's" now. deal with it.