Because what else is there to do when 2 guys love blogs?...at the same time?

[!ima turtle]'s jukebox

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COMEBACK! (but not really)

By Anonymous
so with these last few days of summer slippin' away, the turtle kid and I have decided to finally come back and update this lil thing. We'll be reflecting on our summers, and commenting on school, which looms ever closer upon us.
Firstly, main reason for us disappearing off this blog is because we're too damn busy. And by busy, I mean lazy. NEXT!

Summer'09 was a great little fling.


-saw some SIIICK bands
-heard some RAAAD music
-did some CRAAAZY stuff
-made some SCHWEEET memories
-Alex flicks nipples
-Everything is better with two pumps of strawberry
-Alex can't crowdsurf
-there's a party in vancouver, all night long
-racist jokes that're a bit too racy for my morality to type down here
-personally, I got a pick from CASH CASH, chyeaa. can't use it cuz the logo is already wearing off though
-Fred blew all of his birthday moolah on shirts

[/gg] has:
  1. taken various life guarding courses. 20 bucks an hour, HERE I COME
  2. completed 2 covers of songs, complete with singing. links below.
  3. well shit. that's it? what a lame ass summer.


so now, I guess it's back to school for all of us. we're big, bad, grade 10's this year, smack dab in the middle. we ain't LG's but we ain't all that mature either. muahahaha. Shit load of people are disappearing on us, like 15 so hopefully we get some new classmates to fill in the gaps. I really don't know what else to say so I'll talk again whenever the fuck i decide to write more.
CHAO OUTSIDE MUDAFUCKAS (shit wait, that's peter chao's line. I need my own)


Well, well, well... [/gg] has pretty much covered HIS side of the summer, so I guess i'll tell you a little about my own....(reminisces)

[!ima turtle] has:
1. been busy. And when I mean busy, I mean busy.
2. been going out with a kickass group of people for pretty much the WHOLE summer, and I wouldn't trade it for the world :)
3. recorded some songs of my own (with a little from eleventhvolume.blogspot.com ), cause' [/gg] isn' t the only damn musician in this blog!
Linkz below if y'all interested ;D
4. done more than [/gg] will EVER do in his whole life :D (I, [/gg], resent that statement)


Well, school is ninja-ing its way around the corner, and will strike in the night in about
a week or so, and it will throw deadly shurikens of homework and such from its arsenal
of ninja weapwns. No, that was not a spelling error, but rather an easier view on the severity.
Remember, don't fuck with ninjas. nuff' said. Anyways, like I said, school is nearing, and we haven't grown mature for shit since last time, but HOPEFULLY, we MANAGE to survive :P
I don't care what you say, I'm optimistic as hell BD. Summer was good while it lasted, but now I HAVE to kick shit into high gear and focus again -.-'. Gewd times, and I hope for even greater times within the year to come.
Seacrest. Out. (I'll think of more original lines later)