Because what else is there to do when 2 guys love blogs?...at the same time?

[!ima turtle]'s jukebox

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what's that? a C-C-C-CONTEST?!?!?!

By Anonymous
So SOMEONE thinks they're blog is better... cuz its got a damn banner.
whoop de friggen do.
keep in mind this thing's only been going since like, sunday night.
we've only just BEGUN. (first 'geronimomentz' segment is on its way. i promise.)

[!maturtle], I can't draw. so if we're gonna match that banner with something kick-ass like we should, you'll have to do it. or we can work together. which im sure will make something only
half as crappy as something i woulda made alone. right?



3 comments so far.

  1. Mark Dimzon February 3, 2009 at 10:46 PM
    could have easily done that and helped you guys. :P too bad though. :D now all your widgets are up and grikos lazy to readd them
  2. -marge. February 3, 2009 at 10:59 PM
    duude, you totally ate up my competition thing.
    srsly, no one was supposed to read mine. like actually. no. body....

    and plus my banner is actually pretty bad ass mother fucker. if you know what i mean.
  3. onlyhope? February 5, 2009 at 7:09 AM
    lol you do realize.
    that it wasn't that hard to make?
    ahahaha but yeah it is verr bamf.

Something to say?